Go to settings > [your name] > icloud, and make sure that the toggle next to maps is turned on. If it is turned off, turn it on and wait for a few minutes to see if your favorites and guides. We'd love to assist you with your maps favorites. Does the favorites reappear after restarting your iphone using the steps here: Also, is the issue occurring.
Read on to learn more about how to add favorites to your apple. By default, pinned collections includes favorites, recently saved, map, videos, and screenshots, but you can customize what appears in pinned collections for quick access. If you're new to maps or simply want to learn the ins and outs of the latest and redesigned features, we'll go through the process of adding a favorite location, rearranging. Turns out all of my favorites disappeared, perhaps during a recent software update i presume, and apple added a few random places in its place. Has anyone else ran into this problem? I just saw after 15. 1 update on iphone that my favourite locations in maps has disappeared. I just checked, my favorites are still here. (ios15. 1) , yes i figured it. However, some iphone users have reported that their maps favorites and guides disappeared after updating to ios 16. 4. If you're facing this issue, here are some steps you. Opened the apple maps app, and all of my favorites are gone! I googled the issue, and followed some advice: Verified that maps is chosen under saved to icloud; You can find pins, places, guides, and routes in one place: Your library in the maps app.
favorites reorder tap details
Opened the apple maps app, and all of my favorites are gone! I googled the issue, and followed some advice: Verified that maps is chosen under saved to icloud; You can find pins, places, guides, and routes in one place: Your library in the maps app. Add your own personal notes—visible only to you—to saved places, or pin your most frequently visited. I sent an email to. You can clear your search history and review your favorites if maps often suggests places that you haven't tried to visit. Remove a place from your favorites in maps on. Here is a solution that worked for me: Go to settings/ apple id/ icloud. There make sure both maps and icloud drive are on. Open maps and wait a bit. To do so, access your favorites list, and perform a quick swipe to the left on the target location to remove it from the list. It appears that the favorites and guides you've saved in maps have disappeared, and we're glad to provide assistance. Advocate for and implement ethical ai practices, ensuring fairness, transparency, and alignment to apple’s privacy principles in all generative ai applications.
I sent an email to. You can clear your search history and review your favorites if maps often suggests places that you haven't tried to visit. Remove a place from your favorites in maps on. Here is a solution that worked for me: Go to settings/ apple id/ icloud. There make sure both maps and icloud drive are on. Open maps and wait a bit. To do so, access your favorites list, and perform a quick swipe to the left on the target location to remove it from the list. It appears that the favorites and guides you've saved in maps have disappeared, and we're glad to provide assistance. Advocate for and implement ethical ai practices, ensuring fairness, transparency, and alignment to apple’s privacy principles in all generative ai applications.