Hot food contains strong spices that cause a burning feeling in…. Hot nebo euromissile hot (hot = haut subsonique optiquement téléguidé tiré d'un tube) je protitanková řízená střela druhé generace s poloautomatickým povelovým systémem. Serve hot or cold accompanied by bread and a salad. The containers keep the food hot for five hours. The food should stay hot until we're ready to eat.
Javascript must be enabled. Get free outlook email and calendar, plus office online apps like word, excel and powerpoint. Sign in to access your outlook, hotmail or live email account. Having a feeling of high body heat All rooms have hot and cold water. A hot bath a hot meal (= one that has been cooked) i couldn't live in a hot country (= one which has high average temperatures). Cook in a very hot oven. Used to describe food that causes a burning feeling in the mouth…. Used to describe food that causes a burning feeling in the mouth…. Hot (hot), usa pronunciation adj. , hot•ter, hot•test, adv. , v. , hot•ted, hot•ting, n. Having or giving off heat; Physiology having or causing. I detest hot weather. You're hot from all that exercise. Bake the cookies in a hot oven.
Having or giving off heat; Physiology having or causing. I detest hot weather. You're hot from all that exercise. Bake the cookies in a hot oven. Hot food contains strong spices that cause a burning feeling in…. More idioms and phrases containing hot. Like a cat on hot bricks; Strike while the iron's hot Things are a little hot for us in san francisco. We'll burn the vardo at drake's bay and then head to your place. things are hot, so you're heading to my place? hot's not a big. Sign in to your outlook. com, hotmail. com, msn. com or live. com account. Download the free desktop and mobile app to connect all your email accounts, including gmail, yahoo, and. Peanut butter hot chocolate. This homemade hot chocolate is made on the stove top with whole milk, cocoa powder, creamy peanut butter, sea salt and sugar.
More idioms and phrases containing hot. Like a cat on hot bricks; Strike while the iron's hot Things are a little hot for us in san francisco. We'll burn the vardo at drake's bay and then head to your place. things are hot, so you're heading to my place? hot's not a big. Sign in to your outlook. com, hotmail. com, msn. com or live. com account. Download the free desktop and mobile app to connect all your email accounts, including gmail, yahoo, and. Peanut butter hot chocolate. This homemade hot chocolate is made on the stove top with whole milk, cocoa powder, creamy peanut butter, sea salt and sugar.