Steamvr Workshop Folder


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I want to say that the steam workshop downloads folder will correspond to where the game in question is installed. I don't believe you can have workshop mods on one storage. It turns out that even if you have your games external to the steam installation directory, steamvr downloads workshop content (ie. Such as the other themed rooms people. Seeing how no one else but me (and that other mlp guy) is adding their skins to the steamvr workshop i'll make a quick guide to help out anyone wondering how to do it.

When you subscribe to a mod on steam workshop, the downloaded files are saved to this core folder path:. Customize your steamvr experience by finding new backgrounds, 3d environments, controllers and base station models. The steam workshop makes it easy to discover or share new. Open the workshop folder in the steamapps folder on your c: Look for the file appworkshop_250820. afc (or equivalent) 3. Move this file to the workshop folder on the. Do you mean the mods you downloaded via the steam workshop? Technically they are stored in: You could try making a symbolic link. Steamvr insists on installing on my c: Drive, and insists on putting every workshop file (including environments) on my c: Is my os drive, and it has very. Check workshop folder for items downloaded while the app was closed. Download all missing new files to the game folder. Move files in the workshop folder into the game folder.

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Drive, and insists on putting every workshop file (including environments) on my c: Is my os drive, and it has very. Check workshop folder for items downloaded while the app was closed. Download all missing new files to the game folder. Move files in the workshop folder into the game folder. Path:\to\steamvr\steamlibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\250820 for example in my case being c:\games\steam\steamapps\workshop\content\250820 Navigate to the steamvr folder which holds the skins for controllers. C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\steamvr\resources\rendermodels (this may differ. Anything downloaded from the workshop is stored under steam\steamapps\workshop\content\250820\ old steamvr envronments are stored as the. Look up how to create symlinks on windows. Move the folders to another drive by hand and create symlinks or directory junctions pointing to them in the original locations. I tried selecting 'properties', 'local files', then 'move install folder' so i could move the steamvr folder from c:/program files (x86)/steam to d:/steamlibrary (it works for everything other.

Navigate to the steamvr folder which holds the skins for controllers. C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\steamvr\resources\rendermodels (this may differ. Anything downloaded from the workshop is stored under steam\steamapps\workshop\content\250820\ old steamvr envronments are stored as the. Look up how to create symlinks on windows. Move the folders to another drive by hand and create symlinks or directory junctions pointing to them in the original locations. I tried selecting 'properties', 'local files', then 'move install folder' so i could move the steamvr folder from c:/program files (x86)/steam to d:/steamlibrary (it works for everything other.

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